Money is the Root of All Evil: The power of bucking old beliefs around money, shift your mindset and attract abundance.

Money is the Root of All Evil: The power of bucking old beliefs around money, shift your mindset and attract abundance.

Learning how powerful words are in our world and how much of an influence they have on our day to day actions is an incredible tool to sculpt the life of our dreams. You’re seeing everywhere how people used manifestation practices, visualization practices and affirmations daily to start moving the needle on their goals. There are countless podcasts, youtube videos, apps, articles on the power of these practices. If you are a skeptic, think about the power reading a really good book has over you. The power of reading words on a page that might teach you something profound, challenge a belief system, give you useful data to use in your life….Those words have allowed you to see life a little bit differently and maybe even allowed you to carve a new path forward.

When we see these old phrases and use them in our lives frequently, we are telling our brain that this is the program that we want to run and that this is how all future events will be shaped. When we tell ourselves that “money is the root of all evil”, money literally becomes the root of all evil. We have made that a belief in our lives that becomes a law in which we are governed by. We start to get frustrated when the money in our lives starts attracting more “evil” things. We start to hate money and resent it because it literally represents the evil around us.

What if we chose to think differently about money? What if we chose to think that money can be used consciously for good in the hands of the right people that will treat it with love and respect. What if we chose to believe that, “Money is the root of all good!” My life gets infinitely better when I have money because I choose to use it to create more time with my family, I use it to create more experiences with my friends, I choose to use it to help others in need. I choose to use money as a bridge to get to the life of abundance that I have always craved.

There are times in my life where I used this method to attract and amass great amounts of money. However, because of my parents beliefs about money and how I was taught, I believed that the only way you could have money was if you drove yourself, your health and your relationships into the ground. (EVIL) Every-time I amassed substantial wealth, I did it at the sacrifice of my body, mind and spirit. I worked 80 hour weeks at high stress, high paced jobs and was REALLY proud of how hard I had worked to earn my money! Inevitably, my health would take a nosedive, the sleepless nights, adrenal fatigue and burnout would catch up with me, I would have autoimmune flare-ups that would cripple me for weeks. This all eventually led to a nervous breakdown. We get so wrapped up in the grind, in the hustle, in the chaos. On a sick and twisted level we actually enjoy this pain and believe it is necessary to be successful and wealthy and abundant in life. I quickly learned that even in stepping away from my 80 hour a week job in Cardiac Surgery to opening my own business and being my own boss, these beliefs and these systems that were hardwired into my brain were actually running my business. In the first 3 months of business, I was already experiencing extreme fatigue, autoimmune flare-ups and migraines. My belief that I must grind it out, hustle all hours of the day, work 16 hour weeks and drive myself into the ground to be successful was starting to be the foundation of which I was building MY OWN COMPANY!!! I realized that nothing was going to change if I didn’t change and it started with my mindset, challenging the old beliefs, and coming up with a new perspective.

I challenge this old phrase that “money is the root of all evil”. I refuse that belief and choose to believe that “Money is the root of all good. Being conscious with my money/time/energy allows me to create a life of ease and flow. Money flows easily and effortlessly to me when I’m creating from my purpose.”

Assess where you are in your life in reference to time, money, energy, health. Take inventory of each aspect. The funny thing about life is when one of these areas is out of balance, the other areas are out of balance and it usually goes back to old beliefs, behaviors, mindsets that need to be shifted that are affecting every single aspect of your life. It’s like people who win the lottery. You would think that if you won 600 million dollars that you would be set for the rest of your life, be able to change the stars of your family and friends and maybe even an entire country! Statistically speaking, the winners of these great fortunes end up in debt and back to the exact same behaviors before they won the money! This is because they didn’t do the work to understand how to nuture this kind of fortune, they had no idea how to switch their mindset or how to use the money as a tool to create the life they wanted. They took their old beliefs and behaviors into the world with all that money and before they knew it, it was gone with nothing to show for it but a home and a car that were both repossessed by the government.

The shift has to happen from within us. No amount of hours worked, time away from family, units produced will ever give you what you truly need. This life is fleeting, this life is passing us by at rapid speeds. The 80 hour work weeks won’t earn you a trophy, you won’t go down in history as the hardest working person on the planet. If I gave you a million dollars today and told you that you could have it but you will die tomorrow. Would you take the money? The truest currency on this planet is love. When we love our life, when we are in alignment with our purpose and we create from that place, abundance inevitably surrounds us. We then have the time, energy and money to create and give back to the world.

It’s your choice. You can choose to continue to believe that money is the root of all evil and continue to grind and hustle yourself into a comfy, dark hole 6ft deep with nobody even remembering your name. Or you can start bucking that old belief, that old system. You can start choosing to think and act differently. You can choose to believe that money can bring good into your life. You can choose that it is easy to come by and that it comes into your life with ease, grace and flow. You choose. Make it count (Pun intended)

The most powerful work that I do with my clients is around mindset. Taking a deep dive into beliefs that they live their life by. I teach them to notice them, acknowledge them and reframe them so that they have a choice to make better decisions. Pay attention to what systems are running your life. I can help you. Book a clarity call with me today through my website to get a taste of what this work can do for you.

My belief is that when one of us heals, we heal the collective. The change starts from within us and ripples out into the world. Together WE RISE!

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